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Structure meetings better: Tips for more productive team meetings

Everyone knows it: the meeting frustration that always arises when team meetings drag on unnecessarily. At some point during a meeting, the point is actually reached where no more productive results can be expected. The focus has long since been lost and new topics are constantly being opened up, while at the same time the mountain of work piles up on the desk. Below you will find some tips on how you can structure meetings better in future

The preparation: room, participants and equipment

Good team meetings have a positive effect on communication between team members. Instead of sending hundreds of emails back and forth, everyone comes together and clarifies important issues. Conflicts can also be resolved more easily at critical points if direct interaction is made possible. There is no question that meetings have become an important and integral part of a company. Even the preparation determines how productive a team meeting will be.

  • The agenda
    It is important to focus only on selected topics and not to create a 15-point agenda.

  • The participants
    Never send invitations to all team members across the board. Only those people who are really relevant to this topic should take part.

  • The schedule
    You may remember from your school days that most people work better under pressure. Therefore, set a timetable for how long the meeting can last. Ideally, you should even set a fixed time for the individual topics. This will prevent unproductive endless meetings.

Gather all the important information for the individual topics beforehand. Nothing drags out a meeting more than having to fetch documents or research figures in between.

5 tips for more productive meetings in your company

Good preparation is half the battle. The following tips are further food for thought on the way to more efficient team meetings.

  1. Appoint a moderator
    There should always be a moderator to guide the meeting so that everything doesn't get mixed up. They keep an eye on the time and ensure that the communication rules are adhered to.
  2. Creative implementation
    Depending on the topic, it can be worth spicing up meetings and trying out different approaches to implementation. Short get-togethers can be held as stand-up or walking meetings, for example. Perhaps there is also the option of holding the meeting outdoors?
  3. Cell phone and email ban
    There are always participants who quickly check their emails during a meeting or book a flight for their next vacation. This is not only impolite, but also contributes nothing to the meeting. There should therefore be a strict ban on cell phones and e-mails during the meeting.
  4. Concrete goals
    Fixed goals should be set for each topic on the agenda during the meeting. Who takes care of which tasks? What needs to be completed by the next meeting? You can then follow up on these points at the next meeting.
  5. Balanced speaking time
    The moderator should ensure that the participants have a balanced speaking time. There is always one colleague who does not let the others have their say by speaking at length. Therefore, try to create a balance between the dominance of some and the restraint of others.

Meetings are an important tool for maintaining an overview of projects, identifying weaknesses at an early stage and increasing efficiency. With systematic preparation and consistent adherence to the agenda, you can structure meetings better and make them more productive.

Do you see potential in the structuring and preparation of your meetings? If so, then get in touch with US to make full use of it!

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