There are many different leadership styles, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages in practice. Leadership according to the "freedom within limits" model is based on important basic principles such as appreciation, the promotion of independence and the recognition of an employee as the most important resource in the company. At the same time, however, the method also sets clear boundaries that employees can follow.
The principle of minimal intervention is also used in other areas such as education and in therapeutic settings. It states that the other person should only be provided with minimal means to achieve greater independence and autonomy. In terms of leadership, minimal intervention means setting the orientation points and guidelines for action as broadly as possible. This leaves more room for independent, responsible thinking and action within the company.
With this concept of minimal intervention, it is important that the boundaries - even if they are broad - are formulated clearly and unambiguously and provide clear guidance. The manager therefore gives their employees maximum freedom of action and only intervenes when the boundaries have been exceeded. However, consistent action by the manager is then required when these boundaries are exceeded.
This is important in the "Freedom within limits" leadership model
The "freedom within limits" model is a good middle ground between an authoritarian management style that does not allow any freedom and an anti-authoritarian management style that often lacks orientation.
Due to the very broadly defined boundaries, employees have many opportunities to develop, act independently and on their own responsibility and use their creative freedom. Employees can develop their potential and are optimally encouraged and developed in their skills by their manager. In addition, personal and decision-making skills are developed in the best possible way within the company. This strengthens the innovative power of the entire company and makes it possible to fully exploit the resources that employees bring to a company.
Managers should not confuse the concept of consistency in the "freedom without limits" model with strictness or authority. It is not about imposing severe sanctions such as warnings or implementing contractual penalties when boundaries are crossed. The "sanctions" must also be value- and growth-oriented and give employees the chance to learn from their misconduct and grow as a result.
In order to implement the model in practice, it is important that managers themselves set a good example. Respectful and appreciative interaction is a mandatory prerequisite for "freedom within limits" to work. Leaders should always give their employees prompt feedback and resolve conflicts constructively.
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